Hitachi High-Tech Europe


Hitachi High-Tech Europe Resource Area

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At Hitachi we want to help you develop your microscopy

That could mean making the highest-quality TEM lamella with TripleBeam FIB, preparing flawless cross-sections with broad argon ion milling or handling hydrated specimens with Hitachi's ionic liquid. Or it might mean easing the pressure on other instruments in your lab by harnessing the simplicity of benchtop SEM or the power of low kV STEM.

Whatever your challenges, contact us for an open-minded conversation to see how we can help.


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Visit Hitachi’s applications labs in the UK and Germany without leaving your desk thanks to the new interactive tours. As well as navigating your way around our labs you can also learn about each instrument.

Hitachi High-Tech Europe established its applications lab at Sci-Tech Daresbury in 2018. Since then, it has served as a hub for collaboration with academia and industry. As well as undertaking sample runs and demonstrations, the lab also carries out research, method development and testing to develop new microscopy-based solutions together with our customers.
