Life Sciences

The Life Sciences Section was formed to represent all aspects of the use of the microscope in cell biology. Although it continues to promote the science of the microscopical localisation of substances in cells and tissues, it is now focused on cell biological aspects of the subject. The special interests of the section include the use of the microscope to study the behaviour of cells and the behaviour of ions, molecules and organelles within living cells.


 The Section has two aims:

  1. To provide an interdisciplinary forum to promote the use and advancement of microscopy in cell biology. This includes the imaging and quantification of the structure, location and composition of components important to cell behaviour.
  2. To represent the interests of those using the microscope for cell biology in the UK and internationally by liaising with National and International Societies with similar and overlapping objectives.

Areas in which the Section have a strong interest include:

  • The study of living cells, either expressing recombinant fluorescent probes (e.g. the green fluorescent protein) or loaded with vital fluorescent dyes (e.g. ion-sensitive dyes), in order to analyse molecular and organelle dynamics and signalling events.
  • The exploitation of established and emerging imaging and quantification techniques involving conventional microscopy, confocal microscopy, low light detection and multi-photon microscopy, together with newer imaging methods such as FRET, BRET, FLIM, FRAP and FLAP; and the use of a range of microscopically useful probes including fluorescent and bioluminescent ion indicators, fluorescent protein-based biosensors, FlaSh probes, nanodots and nanoprobes.
  • Localisation of nucleic acids using labelled probes (in situ hybridisation) and enzymes by their actions on artificially applied substrates (enzyme histochemistry).
  • Identification of cell constituents with visually-detectable labelled antibody/antigen reactions (immunocytochemistry).

Meetings, Courses and Workshops

The Section organises meetings, courses and workshops throughout the year to encourage education and discussion both on theoretical and applied aspects of the use of microscopy as it relates to cell biology and its interface with molecular biology.

The Pearse Prize

The recipient of the Pearse Prize is decided by The Life Sciences Committee. The prize is awarded to a scientist who has made a significant contribution to histochemistry and life sciences and is still active in their field. 

The RMS is committed to being a welcoming, inclusive Society and encourages diversity across all activities and in the membership of our committees and groups.

If you are interested in joining any of the committees in the future, please visit our Join a Committee page.


International Federation of the Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

The RMS Life Sciences Section is also part of the International Federation of the Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (IFSHC). Read the latest IFSHC newsletter here:

IFSHC Newsletter January 2023


RMS Section Awards

Launched in 2014, the Section Awards (formerly known as the Medal Series) recognise those who have made significant contributions to the field of microscopy. The RMS Section Awards celebrate outstanding scientific achievements across all areas of microscopy and flow cytometry with each RMS Science Section able to select a winner for their own award. 

Find out more

Award for Life Sciences


Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas

Life Sciences Section Chair, University of Birmingham

Theresa Ward

Theresa Ward

Life Sciences Section Vice Chair, London School of Hygeine & Tropical Medicine

Ferran Valderrama

Ferran Valderrama

Life Sciences Section Deputy Chair , St George's University of London

Jacquelyn Bond

Jacquelyn Bond

Outreach & Education Committee Representative, University of Leeds

Steve Briddon

Steve Briddon

University of Nottingham

Emmanuel Derivery

Emmanuel Derivery

MRC/Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Alessandro Di Maio

Alessandro Di Maio

University of Birmingham

Morag Rose Hunter

Morag Rose Hunter


Anjali Kusumbe

Anjali Kusumbe

University of Oxford

Stefan Linder

Stefan Linder

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Laki Pantazis

Laki Pantazis

Imperial College London

Mark Rigby

Mark Rigby

Nikon UK, Branch of Nikon Europe BV

Liam Rooney

Liam Rooney

Early Career Representative, University of Strathclyde

Brian Stramer

Brian Stramer

King's College London

Claire Wells

Claire Wells

King's College London


The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Life Sciences Section of the Royal Microscopical Society will take place at 12:30pm on Monday 11 November during Frontiers in Bioimaging 2024

All the Society’s AGMs are free to attend for both members and non-members.

If you would like to attend the Life Sciences Section AGM please contact Jade Sturdy.