Technical Tea Breaks

15-minute talks that cover a topic relating to setting up an imaging experiment. Designed for new or inexpert users to quickly gain the information they need to optimise their imaging experiments.

This initiative has been designed by a group of imaging scientists working in partnership with BioimagingUK and the Royal Microscopical Society to bring you a series of short talks designed to help those of you who are new to microscopy to better design and implement your imaging experiments. We hope these talks will also prove valuable to more experienced microscopists who would like to remind themselves of the basics and also to those who have the job of training others in microscopy techniques. Each talk is around 15 minutes long - perfect to watch with a hot beverage of your choice!

If you are interested in giving a talk or you would like to suggest a topic, please email Georgina Fletcher,

Access all the videos selecting the playlist button on the top righthand side


Nicola Lawrence

Nicola Lawrence

The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge

Stefania Marcotti

Stefania Marcotti

Data Analysis in Imaging Section Representative, King's College London

Rebecca Saleeb

Rebecca Saleeb

Early Career Committee Deputy Chair, University of Edinburgh

Liam Rooney

Liam Rooney

Early Career Committee Chair & Life Sciences Section Representative, University of Strathclyde

Alex Sossick

Alex Sossick

Chair of Professional Development and Training FIG , Natural History Museum, London

Emma McDermott

Emma McDermott

Microscopical Society of Ireland Early Career Representative, University of Galway

Georgina Fletcher

Georgina Fletcher
