Donate your Microscopes

Donate old and obsolete microscopes that need recycling to the Royal Microscopical Society and they can help with a number of Outreach projects

We are currently unable to accept any donations.

As the pace of advancements and developments in microscopy equipment and instrumentation continues to increase, this means more and more microscopes are finding themselves locked away in cupboards gathering dust as new replacements are not only desired but often essential. We don't like to see good microscopes go to waste so we are always happy to accept donations of microscopes that have become unwanted or unloved.

Thanks to a team of willing volunteers, we are able to service and make minor repairs to our microscope donations. These are then sent on to outreach projects around the world or sold on to raise funds for the RMS' Charitable activities.

A recent donation came from Headington Girls School, Oxford who saw a number of their microscopes become obsolete after a refurbishment of their school laboratories. After being serviced by the Society, the microscopes were then sent out to The Gambia with PAGEANT, a Charity who run Practical Microscopy and Science workshops for teachers in the the country. After being taught how to use, care for, and incorporate microscopes into lessons, the teachers are then able to take the equipment away with them along with teaching kits and handbooks to bring microscopy to thousands of school children across The Gambia.

If you would like to donate microscopes to the RMS, please email details of your donation to Debbie Hunt.

Unfortunately we do not have the space to house all generous donations so we are unable to accept microscopes that will need a considerable amount of work to bring them back to working order. 

We may not be able to accept offers of donations from outside of the UK.