BioImagingUK Network

BioImagingUK is an organic organisation of UK scientists that develop, use, or administer imaging solutions for life sciences research

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BioImagingUK participates in Euro-BioImaging, and seeks to represent the views of UK scientists that use imaging to Euro-BioImaging and the wider community.

A previous Wiki style website with information about the BioImagingUK community can be found at

Aim 1. Strategy for UK biological and biomedical imaging technology

To continue to define the strategic priorities for imaging technology, data management and analysis, training, career development, and engagement with companies including SMEs, in this rapidly changing landscape, and widely disseminate these priorities.

Aim 2. BioImaging Careers

To develop meaningful career structures and evaluation criteria for BioImaging Research Technical Professionals (RTPs; Imaging Scientists). Surveys and outputs from the BioImagingUK meeting in 2018, have demonstrated that with the growth of dedicated BioImaging Facilities, and the increase in complex instrumentation and analysis associated with these facilities, a career structure
for Imaging Scientists associated with these initiatives is clearly lacking. This aim intends to address this issue, provide clear guidance and advice with a view to developing strategies for adoption at National level.

Aim 3. Training in BioImaging

To use BioImagingUK (and the RMS) to enable us to develop and support training across practical aspects of imaging and image analysis, and develop best practice and support in these areas.

Aim 4: Community Engagement and Development

To provide the community with up-to-date resources by maintaining the BioImaging UK web page, Wiki, etc, organise and run community meetings and engage with EuroBioimaging activities for reporting back to UK community and Stakeholders.

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In line with the above aims, the BioImagingUK network hopes to bring together people and skills from all aspects of the imaging community to further research and development. BioImagingUK work on providing a useful and interactive platform for everyone involved in biological and medical imaging across the UK, and soon, in collaboration with Euro-Bioimaging and Global BioImaging, across the globe. To get in touch with BioImagingUK, please email georgina at