6 Mar 2024

infocus Magazine March 2024: Read our special features!

Specially chosen content from each newly published edition of infocus Magazine is now available for non-RMS members to download and enjoy - enabling a wider audience to get a taste of what the publication has to offer.

In addition, non-members will continue to have access to more than 200 past articles in our 'Backfile' - taken from issues more than 12 months old.

Download our special features from infocus #73 (March 2024):

The Scanning Microscope and Leeuwenhoek's Legacy - Brian Ford, Hon FRMS

The Scanning Microscope and Leeuwenhoek's Legacy - Web image.jpg

A house clearance in East Anglia in December 2023 revealed this little microscope, which proved to have been hand-made by the Dutch pioneer Antony van Leeuwenhoek, some 350 years ago. Professor Brian Ford's latest article for infocus takes a closer look at this instrument and recent developments in the authentication of other Leeuwenhoek microscopes.


The RMS Mentoring and Application Scheme: Nurturing Microscopists across the world - Georgina Fletcher and Joelle Goulding

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The RMS mentoring scheme has been crafted by microscopists for microscopists - delivering career and specialist support, tailored to the specific needs of applicants. In this article, we hear from some of the mentors and mentees who have benefitted from the initiative.


infocus is a quarterly magazine featuring a rich blend of articles, reports, news and reviews. It provides a common forum for scientists and technologists using all branches of microscopy, imaging and flow cytometry.