Imaging Platforms
Keywords - Light Microscopy: Laser microdissection | Live cell imaging | PALM | Confocal Microscopy | Raman imaging
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Scanning EM (FEG)
The laboratory has four electron microscopes (Hitachi S-4700 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, JEOL JEM1400 Flash Transmission Electron Microscope with Oxford Aztec EDS system, JEOL iT200LV Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS system and hot/cold stage, JEOL 840A Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscope).
For advanced light microscopy we have a Leica TCS SP5 Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope and a Leica DMi8 Widefield fluorescence Microscope.
A Leica TCS SP8 HyVolution 2 super-resolution Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope, a Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope and a variety of fluorescence, polarising and interference contrast microscopes are also available.
Keywords – Biological: Cell Biology | Plant Biology | Microbiology | Histology/Pathology | Drosophila | Bio-materials | Food
Keywords - Physical Sciences: Bioengineering & Biomaterials | Geology/Mineralogy | Nanomaterials
We image a range of Biological, Geological and Materials Science samples.
Sample Preparation
Keywords - Biological: Resin embedding | Cryosectioning | Plunge freezing | Critical point drying | Metal coating | Immunofluorescance | Ultrathin sectioning | Immunolabelling | Freeze fracture | Negative stain | Live cell
Comprehensive specimen preparation facilities include Leica EM MM80E “Slam” freezer, AFS freeze substitution apparatus, Leica CM3050S cryostat, and various ultramicrotomes for TEM and light microscopy sectioning.