Advanced Bioimaging Research Technology Platform

The Advanced Bioimaging Research Technology Platform performs electron microscopy on a wide range of samples, from purified protein to tissue sections. We are accessible to users within Warwick, as well as external users from higher education and industry. We have extensive expertise in cryo-TEM of vesicles and polymer assemblies.

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Imaging Platform 

keywords - electron microscope: transmission EM | SCANNING EM (FEG)

We have two transmission electron microscopes: a JEOL 2100Plus with OneView camera, used for room temperature (negative stain and resin) and cryo samples, and a JEOL 2200FS with a K2 dedicated to cryo-TEM. We have recently installed a scanning electron microscope (JSM IT800) with EDS detector, cryo-system and array tomography capability. We have plunge-freezing, resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning abilities.



keywords - biological: cell biology | plant biology | microbiology 
keywords - physical sciences: polmers & organic electronics 

We work on a wide range of samples including purified proteins, protein complexes, viruses, bacteriophage, extracellular vesicles, bacteria, eukaryotic cells, biofilms and tissues. Although our samples are primarily biological in origin, we apply the same methods to polymers, polymersomes and organic nanoparticles, enabling visualisation of the structure as present in solution.


Sample Preparations 

keywords - biological: resin embedding | serial sectioning | plunge freezing | ultrathin sectioning | negative stain 


Shared Access 

Our staff have extensive experience with electron microscopy of biological and organic materials, and would be delighted to assist with any investigations you wish to carry out. If you have an investigation or experiment you would like to carry out, we would be happy to discuss details, either by contacting us directly or by booking through our Warwick Scientific Services (WSS) web pages.
The Advanced Bioimaging RTP has strong links with both industry and other higher education institutions, helping to image, analyse and solve problems for a range of clients. We can offer advice, set up a plan of work and implement it to give you the information you need about a sample.

Funding Overview

The Advanced Bioimaging Research Technology Platform was founded with the help of a BBSRC ALERT14 award which enabled us to buy a new transmission electron microscope with direct electron detector. We closely collaborate in the Midlands Electron Microscopy Consortium with the Universities of Leicester, Birmingham and Nottingham in the area of high-resolution electron microscopy of purified proteins. This resulted in MRC funding for our 2100Plus in our RTP at Warwick, installed in 2018. Our JSM IT800 was funded through the MRC Mid-Range Equipment fund in 2023 and installed in 2024.

Point of Contact

Advanced Bioimaging Research Technology Platform
University of Warwick
Coventry , CV4 7AL, England


Visit the Advanced Bioimaging Research Technology Platform website