Astbury Biostructure Laboratory (Electron Microscopy, University of Leeds)

Electron microscopy facilities at the University of Leeds include state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopes equipped with direct electron detectors. We offer access to researchers across the University of Leeds, as well as their academic and industrial partners. We can also offer non collaborative access to academic and industrial users, please get in touch for more information.



Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Scanning Transmission EM | Electron tomography | Scanning EM (FEG) | Integrated Light and TEM | Cryo-TEM  | Cryo-ET

2 x Titan Krios
Jeol 1400
FEI Quanta 200 FEGESEM


Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology | Microbiology |  Bio-materials

Sample Preparation

Keywords - Biological: Resin embedding | Plunge Freezing | Freeze substitution | Critical Point Drying | Negative stain

Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ | FIJI | Amira | IMOD | Relion | Eman | IMagic


Point of Contact

Astbury Biostructure Laboratory (Electron Microscopy, University of Leeds)
Astbury Biostructure Laboratory
University of Leeds
School of Chemistry
Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom

Dr Rebecca Thompson, +44(0)113 3434370