Imaging Platforms
Keywords - Light Microscopy: Confocal microscopy | Superresolution microscopy | Widefield microscopy | Laser microdissection | TIRF | Live cell imaging | Multi-photon microscopy | Gated-STED | Atomic Force Microscopy | Frequency-domain FLIM
We have a range of systems from the very simple manual snapshot systems through to multiphoton confocals. The range of microscopes has been chosen so that almost any project will have one or more systems capable of meeting the imaging requirements. Most of our systems are capable of live cell imaging and have both temperature and CO2 capabilities.
Snapshot Widefields:
3 x Zeiss AxioImager M2/ CoolLED running through MicroManager
Olympus IX83/MMI Laser Microdissection system
Olympus BX63 with slide scanning capability
Leica M205FA stereo microscope with scanning stage.
High End Widefields:
2 x Olympus IX83/Lumencore/Prior deconvolution microscopes
3 x Nikon NIS elements live cell systems
Alveole Primo Protein micropatterning system
Incucyte multiplate imaging
PhaseFocus LiveCyte
Leica TIRF with Infinity FRAP head (405, 488, 561, 633nm lasers)
Camera Confocals:
2 x CSU-X confocals on Zeiss AxioObserverZ1 (FRAP and PA capability) and Lambert Toggle FLIM camera
Andor Dragonfly
2 x Zeiss Z1 light sheet
3i Lattice Light Sheet
Point Scanning Confocals:
Leica SP8 upright with dipping lenses
2x Leica SP8 inverted tandem head
Leica SP8 upright in vivo multiphoton system
Leica SP8 gSTED 3X with FALCON FLIM and FCS
2 x Zeiss 880 Airy Inverted
Zeiss 880 Airy upright with dipping lenses
Zeiss CellDiscoverer 7 widefield/LSM900 AiryScan
2 x 3D Histech Panoramic 250 brightfield and fluorescence
Bruker Multimode 8 AFM
Bruker Catalyst AFM
Asylum Research MFP-3D AFM
Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology | Developmental Biology | Zebrafish | Drosophila | Histology/pathology
We can image almost anything (and often need to) from rocks, soil, cells through to whole animals.
The range of systems means we should have a solution for any imaging requirement.
Sample Preparation
Sample prep is not done in the Bioimging Facility users often prepare samples in their own lab or through the Histology Core Facility.
Data Analysis
Keywords - Software: ImageJ | FIJI | Imaris | Matlab | Huygens | AutoQuant | ImagePro | Metamorph | AxioVision
We have a range of data analysis tools. The entry point is always ImageJ/Fiji and we will offer training on these packages so the users can work at their own computer.
However, we also have a suite of offline workstations that users can access free of charge and these have the more advanced analysis packages. Training and support is offered to users that have acquired their data through the Bioimaging Facility.
Shared Access
Outside users are welcome to request access to the Bioimaging Facility. All usage is charged by an hourly rate depending on the system type.
The Bioimaging Facility is funded with grants from the University of Manchester, Wellcome, BBSRC and MRC.