Central Laser Facility - Octopus Cluster

The Central Laser Facility (CLF) is a partnership between its staff and the large number of members of UK and European universities who use the specialised laser equipment provided to carry out a broad range of experiments in physics, chemistry and biology. The OCTOPUS imaging cluster offers a range of imaging techniques including multidimensional single molecule microscopy, confocal microscopy, super resolution, optical tweezers, Bayesian Data Analysis.

CLF Central Laser Facility logo


Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Confocal microscopy | Superresolution microscopy | Widefield microscopy | Laser microdissection | TIRF | Live cell imaging | Multi-photon microscopy | Gated-STED | PALM | STORM | TCSPC-FLIM | FCS/FCCS | Atomic Force Microscopy | Structured Illumination Microsocpy | Raman imaging
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Scanning Transmission EM
Keywords - X-Ray Microscopy: MicroCT

MINFLUX, super resolution microscopy (STORM/PALM, SIM, STED), lightsheet microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, FLIM, TIRF, single molecule fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, optical tweezers, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), cryo confocal/STORM.

Further access to TEM, SEM, Raman microscopy, AFM and MicroCT.


Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology | Plant Biology| Microbiology | Bio-materials | Food
Keywords - Physical Sciences: Bioengineering and biomaterials | Electron Optics | Functional oxides | Semiconductors and optoelectronics | Nanomaterials (nanoparticles, 2D nanomaterials, nanowires and nanotubes) | Geology / mineralogy | Optical and photonic materials and devices | Catalysts | Polymers and organic electronics | Ionic conductors, fuel cells and batteries

Molecular biology, chemical sciEnce, materials, catalysis

Sample Preparation

Keywords - Biological: Serial sectioning | Cryosectioning | Immunolabelling | Enzyme histochemistry | Live Cell

Class I &II Biolabs, Chemical labs, optics rooms and microscopy stations

Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ | FIJI | Huygens | ImagePro | HR-STEM simulation packages (various) | Other Image simulation for crystals | Custom software
Keywords - Hardware: e-Science at RAL for large data storage

Bayesian Data Analysis, Huygens software for deconvolution


Access via facility access panel review and discussions with link scientists and programme area managers

Point of Contact

Central Laser Facility - Octopus Cluster
Central Laser Facility - Octopus Cluster
Science and Technology Facilities Council, Fermi Avenue
Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom

Prof Marisa Martin-Fernandez 01235 445090

Staff List

Professor Stanley Botchway 
Dr Andy Ward 
Dr Dan Rolfe 
Dr Chris Tynan 
Dr Selene Roberts 
Dr Sarah Needham
Dr Robert Lees
Dr Esther Garcia-Gonzalez
Dr Ben Davis
Dr Lin Wang
Dr Benji Bateman
Dr Michael Hirsch
Dr Laura Zanetti-Domingues