Centre for Biophotonics

The Centre for Biophotonics hosts a suite of optical microscopes, including widefield, fluorescence, confocal, multiphoton, interference and standing wave microscopes. We also have super-resolution imaging capability and live cell imaging. The facility is adjacent to the wet lab, which includes tissue culture facilities. The Centre for Biophotonics also houses the Mesolab, which is a facility focusing on optical mesoscopy using the Mesolens.



Imaging Platform

keywords - light microscopy: Superresolution microscopy, Live cell imaging, TCSPC-FLIM, Light-sheet microscopy (SPIM), Confocal microscopy, Widefield microscopy, TIRF, Multi-photon microscopy, STORM, FCS/FCCS




keywords - biological: Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Plant Biology, C.elegans, Microbiology, Histology/Pathology, Neurobiology, Immunobiology, Zebrafish, Drosophila, Bio-materials, Food


Sample Preparation 

KEYWORDS - SAMPLE PREPARATION: ImageJ, Imaris, Huygens, FLIMfit, Fiji, Matlab




Point of Contact

Centre for Biophotonics
University of Strathclyde
161 Cathedral Street
Glasgow, G4 0RE , Scotland

Point of contact 

Gail McConnell 

Email: g.mcconnell@strath.ac.uk

Tel: +44 (0) 141 484 805

Visit the Centre for Biophotonics website