As part of the Imaging ONEWORLD series, the focus of these lectures is on microscopy and image analysis methods and how to apply these to your research. Almost all aspects of imaging such as sample preparation, labelling strategies, experimental workflows, ‘how-to’ image and analyse, as well as facilitating collaborations and inspiring new scientific ideas will be covered. Speakers will be available for questions and answers. The organisers, CRUK CI core facility staff, Gurdon Institute, MRC-LMB, MRC Cancer Unit and NPL will be able to continue the discussion and provide advice on your imaging projects.

Scientific Organisers

Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM):  Combining Ultrastructural and Molecular Imaging

Electron microscopy (EM) is the method of choice for imaging biological samples at the ultra-structural level.  Yet, with notable exceptions, its molecular contrast is limited.  Fluorescence light microscopy (LM), on the other hand, provides exquisite biomolecular specificity; however, its resolution (even in the case of super-resolution imaging) typically lags behind EM.   Therefore, a number of methodologies have been developed to combine the advantages of both imaging modalities, termed Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM).  This talk will briefly outline major efforts in this area, and will focus on developments of novel 3D cryo-based CLEM methodologies developed at Janelia Research Campus, which are freely available through the Advanced Imaging Center.