8 Mar 2022
by Elene Lominadze

infocus #65 March 2022 2021 Summer Studentship Report: High throughput imaging and analysis for studying feeding and digestion in a marine invertebrate model

The “Multiscope” (also known as the Rapid Access Parallel microscope) system enables multiple fields of view to be relayed to the same detector providing applications in high-throughput imaging.

DOI: 10.22443/rms.inf.1.218

The Multiscope is the product of a collaboration between the groups of Dr Alex Corbett (Exeter University)
and Prof Gil Bub (McGill University) [1]. In this project the Multiscope has been implemented as a multi-well plate reader to analyse the movements of microscopic (~200μm) larvae of the marine worm Platynereis dumerilii.