As part of the Imaging ONEWORLD series, the focus of these lectures is on microscopy and image analysis methods and how to apply these to your research. Almost all aspects of imaging such as sample preparation, labelling strategies, experimental workflows, ‘how-to’ image and analyse, as well as facilitating collaborations and inspiring new scientific ideas will be covered. Speakers will be available for questions and answers. The organisers, core facility staff from the University of Cambridge, Gurdon Institute, MRC-LMB and the ICR/Royal Marsden Trust are also able to continue the discussion and provide advice on your imaging projects.

Scientific Organisers

Data fusion in localization based super-resolution microscopy

Single molecule localization microscopy offers in principle resolution down to the molecular level. Ever bright fluorophores, but also the advent of new techniques as MINflux, SIMflux or MNSTED  are enabling better localization precision with the same amounts of photons. Complementary to cryo-Electron Microscopy imaging fluorescence at cryogenic temperature also vastly improved precisions. The reported precisions reach the low nano-meter range, even the sub-nanometer range, however, the useful information to the researcher from these recordings is often much poorer than suggested by the reported precision.
The root cause of this is, that in fluorescence microscopy, you image the fluorophores and not the bio-molecule of interest directly. The process of labelling the relevant epitopes with the fluorescent emitters is always incomplete in practise. This deficiency termed, underlabelling, hinders to obtain a complete picture. This missing information can be completed by merging information from many structurally identical particles if these are available.

I will discuss the basis ideas of data fusion or particle averaging in fluorescence microscopy, explain similarities and difference of conceptual and practical nature with cryo-EM particle averaging. I will go into detail of different technicalities and potential issues that could arise when processing data, e.g. data inhomogenitiy, how can we work with the fact that the underlying biological macromolecules are not structural exactly the same; issues from 2D or 3D data and projection; computational aspects; how can we incorporate potential symmetry of the structure; how can we deal with strong underlabelling; can we apply the long existing cryo-EM software or partially incorporate it; what are limiting factors in averaging approaches; can we reach ever higher resolution by imaging 10^5 particles as in EM? 

At the end I will show some recent results of our efforts in 3D alignment of particles of the Nuclear Pore Complex.