You can now submit your abstract to this meeting.  We are accepting abstracts for submitted talks, and poster presentations.
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to Friday 7 July 2023 for Oral presentation and Friday 4 August 2023 for Poster presentation.

We are hoping to attract submissions from colleagues at a variety of career stages and would encourage all to feel welcome to contribute.

  • Abstracts should be emailed as an attachment to Alessandra Reni, please do not send using SharePoint as we do not have access 
  • Please ensure you submit it as a Microsoft Word document and not a PDF
  • Please ensure that you indicate your preference for a submitted talk or poster presentation
  • Abstracts should be approximately 300-500 words in length 
  • Please include the title of the abstract, all authors and their affiliations and indicate the presenting author 
  • You may include images or diagrams where appropriate 
  • You may also include references or keywords
  • In order to keep a uniform format for all the abstracts in the book, we would like to suggest that you wrote a paragraph explaining your results instead of listing them as a bullet list

We are pleased to announce that there will be a prize for the two best posters. These will be selected by a panel at the Event.  We will aim to award these at the end of the meeting. The winners will receive a personalised certificate detailing their award and will be contacted after the event by the RMS for payment details for the prizes.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday 7 July 2023 (Oral presentation) and Friday 4 August 2023 (Poster presentation).
