You can now submit your abstract to this meeting.  We are accepting abstracts for submitted talks, and poster presentations. The abstract submission deadline is Tuesday 31 January 2023.

We are hoping to attract submissions from colleagues at a variety of career stages and would encourage all to feel welcome to contribute.

  • Abstracts should be emailed as an attachment to Alessandra Reni, please do not send using SharePoint as we do not have access 
  • Please ensure you submit it as a Microsoft Word document and not a PDF
  • Please ensure that you indicate your preference for a submitted talk or poster presentation
  • Abstracts should be approximately 300-500 words in length 
  • Please include the title of the abstract, all authors and their affiliations and indicate the presenting author 
  • You may include images or diagrams where appropriate 
  • You may also include references or keywords

We are pleased to announce that there will be up to two prizes for the best posters. These will be selected by a panel at the Event.  We will aim to award these at the end of the meeting. The winners will receive a personalised certificate detailing their award and will be contacted after the event by the RMS for payment details for the prizes.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023


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Microscopy of Semi-Conducting Materials Special Issue of Journal of Microscopy

We would like to invite attendees of the Microscopy of Semi-Conducting Materials meeting to submit a paper for a special issue of the Journal of Microscopy due to be published in late 2023.

The deadline for papers is 31st May 2023 and submission guidelines can be found here:

Please contact the Editorial Office Manager, Jill Hobbs (, if you have any questions.